Engine von Tomb Raider: Legend bei Deus Ex 3

Laut dem Entwicklerstudio Eidos Montreal wird die Engine die in Deus Ex 3 eingesetzt wird auf der Engine von Tomb Raider: Legend aufbauen. Deus Ex 1 und Deus Ex 2 beruhten jeweils auf einer angepasste Version der Unreal-Engine.

Das ganze kam bei einer Fragerunde mit dem Magazin Develop heraus:

On the technology front – I understand you’re using Eidos in-house technology, specifically the Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider [next-gen] engine, for the new game. Is that correct?

Yes, this is a very important factor for us. In former positions where i worked technology was always a grey zone, a question mark. I’m relieved that here at Eidos we have two great internal engines – one from IO Interactive and one from Crystal. We chose the Crystal engine because we plan to help develop this engine more and then share it back with the rest of the company, the other Eidos studios. Having that technology from the start gives us a great advantage and foundation for our coders – there are no doubts about the approach, and we have few uncertainties. We just want to all work together on improving the same technology as we develop our game.

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